PeepSo Integration Plugins Frequently Asked Questions

Can the Plugin create a post on the User’s feed whenever they upload a file?

Yes. It’s possible to post activity on their feed whenever they’ve posted a file, this is toggled in the Activity Feed section of the Plugin Configuration settings in the PeepSo settings on the admin panel (Peepso → Configuration → CM Download Manager).

To learn more about activity feed posting see this Help Article.

Can I customize the activity feed post that is posted when a user uploads something?

Yes. There’s a textbox where you can create a template post for when a user uploads something using the Plugin. It includes shortcodes that can be included to add information directly related to what they uploaded.

To learn more about this feature see this Help article.

Can the link to the users’ Manage Downloads sections be added to the widget?

Yes. A link to the Manage Downloads for PeepSo users can be added to the widget. This can be done through the configuration settings (Peepso → Configuration → CM Downloads Manager → Profile Widget).

To learn more about this feature see this Help article.

Can I enable and disable the display of a tab in the users PeepSo Profile to go to Downloads?

Yes. There’s the option within the configuration settings to toggle this on or off. Go to PeepSo → Configuration → CM Download Manager → Profile Page.

To learn more about this feature see this Help article.

Is it possible to change the icons that appear for Downloads or Manage Downloads within the widget?

Yes. The icons that appear here are from the DashIcons library. There is a field within the Plugin settings that allows for the icon to be changed by selecting the CSS class of a different icon from the library.

Go to and search for an icon that you would rather use. Copy the class given and place this into the field in the PeepSo Downloads Manager configuration settings (Peepso → Configuration → CM Download Manager → Profile Widget).

To learn more about changing the DashIcons see this Help article.