Submit Your Post


Submit Your Post Form

Below you can see the form for submitting a post. Please, fill all needed fields and click "Publish Article". The created post can be published after the admin moderation.

You are not allowed to create posts

How to Display and Configure the Form?

Displaying the form for submitting posts is done with the help of a shortcode [аdd_post_form] which you can place anywhere you need. After it's done, you need to configure the appearance and behavior of the form.

In general plugin settings you can decide which user roles are allowed to create/edit posts, and you can add an extra layer of security by enabling reCaptcha.

Then you need to decide, what kind of post type will be articles created by users (post, page or any other custom post type). The post can be either immediately after user submitted it - if you choose the status of the created post "publish", or it can be moderated - if you choose any other relevant for that status (draft, pending, etc.)

By default, the form has two fields needed for filling - title and content. You can decide, if the user can add featured image and images within the content (and which file extensions are allowed), choose categories (or other taxonomies), add tags and excerpt.

The plugin has 2 types of email notifications - for admin and users. It will help both sides to monitor the status of newly submitted or edited posts.

All front-end labels can be edited or translated to another language:

CreativeMinds User Submitted Posts Plugin for WordPress lets logged in users submit posts, review drafts and upload images via a customizable form. Update and moderate their content and provide writing tips. This WordPress Frontend posting plugin supports unlimited custom forms for post submissions.


For more information go to the plugin product page

Try Other User Submitted Posts Demos: