User Dashboard
DemoUser Dashboard
Each logged-in user can see the list of all submitted by him posts and track their statuses - if they are published or held for moderation.
The user can view, edit or delete his posts. Editing and deleting should be approved by the admin.
How To Enable User Dashboard?
Displaying the user dashboard is done with the help of a shortcode [сm_usersp_posts_list] which you can place anywhere you need. After it's done, the user will be able to visit it for managing his posts.
The plugin has a few options for configuring possibilities of editing posts. You can either enable or disable the possibility of editing posts. You must specify the page which contains the shortcode for submitting posts form - it's needed to redirect users there, if they want to edit the post.
There's also an option for deletion moderation. If the user wants to delete the post - it can be done either immediately or after admin approval.
All posts that are waiting for moderation (created, edited or pending to delete) can be displayed in the admin notice on the back-end. The admin notices have links for a quick navigation to needed post, where they can be moderated.
CreativeMinds User Submitted Posts Plugin for WordPress lets logged in users submit posts, review drafts and upload images via a customizable form. Update and moderate their content and provide writing tips. This WordPress Frontend posting plugin supports unlimited custom forms for post submissions.
For more information go to the plugin product page
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